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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
  Unexpected changes to the html in the Rich Text Editor

If you encounter duplicated lines of code or other unexpected changes to the html in the Rich Text Editor, please install the following patch. This patch replaces the \sitecore\shell\Controls\Rich Text Editor\Preview.html file and removes the JavaScript HTML2XHTML Converter.

You also need to take the following actions if you are working in the Rich Text Editor and you encounter duplication of tags while entering and checking HTML code that may sometimes be invalid:

  1. In the /sitecore/shell/controls/Rich Text Editor/default.html file change the following settings:
    • Set the ConvertToXHtml setting to “false"
    • Set the ConvertFontToSpan setting to “false”
    • Set the ConvertTagsToLower setting to “false”

    You need to turn OFF these settings for the Rad Editor controls so they look like the following lines:

    <rad:RadEditor ID="Editor" Runat="server"






  2. After these changes you need to refresh your browser.

Now you should be able to have invalid HTML while you are working in the Rich Text field and Sitecore will not duplicate any of the tags.